Hide analog graph during FFT |
Option to 'unpower' AWG in analog mode |
Option to invert analogwaves/digiwaves |
[3] [4]
select max outliers to display on grid while subsampling on fpga |
X-Y mode |
Changing Colors for each channel would be a nice feature as well. |
itd be nice if there was a record setting for just one screens worth. |
what if we could customise the colours of grid, channels and background? |
ability to load the saved CSV and MAT files and view the waveform on the Smartscope GUI, so we can zoom in and out to the voltage and time scale |
independent analog channel triggering |
allow 10ns/div |
time based triggering to analog channels |
highlight the actual points taken (digitized) on the display waveform |
scroll on the mouse to cycle through the logic analyser trigger condition |
"persistence" mode that would superimpose a number of traces on top of each other |
Hover+scroll wheel changes trigger options |
Utra hi speed mode, trace acumulation, persistance |
More complex trigger (hf reject etc) |
Android touch button equiv of page up/dn and home end: |
AWG takes HEX values rather than voltages |
Digital output linked to AWG waveform |
a package for the Raspberry Pi 2 running the default raspberry pi 2 Linux distribution |
Show AC/DC and trigger edge in bubble (same as x10) |
extend decoders so they can generate a new waveform |
ability to turn off mousewheel |